I feel like I've been working nonstop for a week straight. Oh wait, I have. I barely have the energy to update this blog tonight, but I figure if I didn't, D might think I was dead or something. I haven't talked to her since last weekend when she ditched me at the bar and ran off with Steve.
You know, which reminds me. Are there any sweet, attractive, psychiatrically healthy men out there that want to meet my girl, D? And I mean completely psychiatrically healthy. Because her last man was a neurotic freak, and, if I don't do something, she could be headed down that same road again.
Any takers? Come on, she's a real kitten in the sack.
I feel like I've been working nonstop for a week straight. Oh wait, I have. I barely have the energy to update this blog tonight, but I figure if I didn't, D might think I was dead or something. I haven't talked to her since last weekend when she ditched me at the bar and ran off with Steve.
You know, which reminds me. Are there any sweet, attractive, psychiatrically healthy men out there that want to meet my girl, D? And I mean completely psychiatrically healthy. Because her last man was a neurotic freak, and, if I don't do something, she could be headed down that same road again.
Any takers? Come on, she's a real kitten in the sack.
At 1:08 PM,
La Espia T. said…
I don't know, Maria. I would be a little mistrusting of any male that said they were completely psychiatrically healthy.
Let's try it once:
Male: Why, Hello! I saw your ad and I just wanted to say that I am completely psychiatrically healthy!
*very wide and very open smile*
Friendly and trustworthy smile? Or baring his teeth about to eat you smile? Do you feel relieved that finally a male is upfront about his psychiatric health? Or do you worry its a front becuase if you tell the prey you are going to eat them they have a tendency to run away. Too hard to tell is what I say.
At 1:12 PM,
La Espia T. said…
Christ, my spelling sucks today. Point being, while it would be nice if all males came with convenient collars that warned us nice women folk of what's to come, that's hardly going to happen anytime soon.
What a shame!
Then again...I've always wanted to start a small business that helps people. Maybe instead of a book club D should start a collar club.
At 4:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hell... I am very healthy, both in the physical as well as psychological realms...
If Espia does not believe me, I can have her talk with any of my three ex-wives... they will vouch for me...
Well... maybe two out of the three...
At 5:31 PM,
La Espia T. said…
I rest my point.
At 5:40 PM,
Dulcinea said…
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At 5:44 PM,
Dulcinea said…
Holy shit! Why am I being auctioned off here like a Spartan? And why the hell aren't there more takers!? Wow! Talk about detroying a girl's ego at its weakest moment.
Thanks, Maria. I do believe your intentions may have been good (especially knowing how much you like cats), but... intent aside... this sucks!
Oh, and by the way, I didn't ditch you. Don't be like a typical man here and fail to take responsibility for abandonment based on a mere technicality. After all, you had abandoned me for that Johnny schmuck hours before I left. I simply put a physical stamp on the deal by finally leaving.
...and Espia... who are you? I dig your thinking, girl... and your blog!
At 9:16 PM,
La Espia T. said…
D, don't feel offended. I don't think of this as an auction but more as a public protection order by Maria. As in attempting to keep you away from the crazy public who adore you and fall to their psycho knees at the mere sight of you in the street.
However, as I guessed the only two males to read and want to respond to such a post were quite the opposite of the intended. Drawn to the scent, as it were. Like playing in a room and thinking you hear your name called in the next.
As for who am I? I'm just the butterfly fluttering in the corner of the room drawn to all the pretty walking flowers down below.
At 3:21 AM,
Alexis said…
D, I'm just trying to spare you from making a mistake. My intentions are, as always, good.
At 4:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maria the puppetmaster...
At 12:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Espia: Tipically, people REST their CASE... usually after they MAKE one or more POINTS...
It seems you follow a different scheme...
At 7:47 PM,
La Espia T. said…
And that, anonymous, is what makes me a wildly fabulous spy.
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