Small Town
Well, that backfired.
Why is this city so goddamn small? How is it that you can't go anywhere anymore without running into anyone?
Why is this city so goddamn small? How is it that you can't go anywhere anymore without running into anyone?
At 11:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why do you dislike Q so much? I think your negative feelings for him go way beyond any intentional harm he may have caused D in the past...
In other words... what is your agenda here...?
At 12:14 PM,
Dulcinea said…
Oh, come on now, prislander — you know all about the sisterhood.
At 5:20 PM,
Alexis said…
My "agenda" is being a loyal friend.
At 6:36 PM,
Unknown said…
I agree. My other friends have had boyfriends that I loved when they were going out, but come break up, I was ready to rip off skin with my teeth.
Tho' I will say that sometimes saying "he's an asshole" just makes the newly heartbroken chick feel do feel like you have to defend him, because it comes into defending yourself too, one wants to admit that they did, in fact, go out with an asshole.
At 8:24 PM,
Dulcinea said…
So.. now you're calling him an asshole, too? Hmmm... Well... like you said — nobody wants to admit it. (and i miss him yet)
At 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Personally, I thought you guys were a phenomenal couple. You'll never do any better, D. Face it - he's your soulmate.
At 9:30 PM,
Dulcinea said…
n? Really? Shit.. not another letter of the alphabet! Or is it Q? Hmmm... Figures.
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well... you ought to know that, for every sisterhood, there is a counterbalancing brotherhood...
...but putting that aside... I believe that relationships sometimes fail through no fault of the participants.
I mean, let's be reasonable... sharing your life with someone while maintaining a reasonable level of harmony is no small feat. There is no amount of love that can surmount the kind of gross incompatibility that often becomes apparent only after couples start living together. Then you have the variable impact that time and related personal growth has on the couple... people who were traveling in parallel paths when they hooked up may find themselves in divergent routes after a few years... through no design of their own...
I know Q and you went through some really rough patches not too long ago, but, I think most of it was neither your doing, nor his. Life just gave you a lemon... and neither of you knew how to make lemonade...
I totally agree with you on the undesirability of categorizing as assholes those with whom we have spent significant time and fallen in love with unless we are sure that they have intentionally deceived us about their "assholeness". After all, one could argue that whoever falls for an asshole is probably a bigger asshole... and that really stinks (pun intended). I mean, I know it happens maybe more often than it should... but we don't need to advertise it... do we?
I've been saving you for last because I like you so much... NOT! I do not, for one minute, buy your "loyal friend" facade... you seem to want D to get over Q in a hurry without seeming to realize that deep wounds must heal from within in order to heal completely... and healing from within takes time... and really good friends respect that mourning process while always staying alert to support any breakout initiative from the mourner.
You, on the other hand, continually stick needles and pins on D in order to try to expedite her emotional separation from Q... and I can't help but believing that you have self-serving reason(s) for doing so... of course, I could be wrong... which would mean that you are a just a sadist bitch...
At 10:14 PM,
Unknown said…
Or perhaps, could it be that we ask from others what we cannot quite do ourselves?
At 10:43 PM,
dan said…
I freely admit I've been an ass and appreciate it when called on it.
No one gets anywhere if they don't own up to their own mistakes.
At 12:08 AM,
Dulcinea said…
Yeah, but when do you say — that's enough?
At 8:50 AM,
dan said…
D, if you get an answer to that, we'd all love to know. :)
At 5:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
sisterhood is not aided by lies and distortions... the only path of true support is the truth whether it comes painfully or easily... if you manage to mislead or create a false reality, then you will harm those around you and lead them into false illusions
if one party to any debate has an impassioned strongly held bias in one unwavering direction, they should not be trusted... they have an agenda... they cannot see beyond their blind bias... they are harmful to friend and foe alike
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