Half Past Maria

It's About That Time

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hardy Har

FACT: I am not a big drinker. While it's essential that I possess the ability to cocktail every night of the week, I don't necessarily drink a whole lot.

FACT: My gay friend, Daniel is a busy restauranteur with a strong penchant for champagne, liqueurs, beer, vodka, and anything else containing alcohol. His daily drinking habits are impressive.

FACT: When Daniel and I go out for drinks, I allow myself to keep up with him. We generally go to gay bars, which are safe places for me when I want to let my hair down a little. Daniel is a caring individual, who would never allow me to make bad decisions. Unless, of course, he thought it was really funny.

FACT: I woke up Monday morning with a girl's number in my pocket.

FACT: I am not gay.

FACT: I'm pissed off at Daniel this week.


  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger Dulcinea said…

    Nice. And where was I? Maybe you should pass me her number. This whole guy thing doesn't seem to be working out so well.

  • At 4:52 PM, Blogger Alexis said…

    Sorry, it started out as a business meeting, which I know you're not always too keen on attending with me. It just kinda went from zero to party in one hour flat.

  • At 10:11 PM, Blogger Dulcinea said…

    Oh, don't worry. I'm not complaining. You're allowed to have a life. :-)


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